On Tuesday, September 20th, Bob Lee attended the second day of ICC 2016 in Folsom, CA. Highlights of the day included the Keynote Speech on Ignition 7.9, information sessions on Ignition's extensive interconnection capabilities and MQTT technology, and then a tour of Inductive Automation's headquarters followed by a dinner outdoors.
The Keynote introduced Ignition 7.9, which brings some impressive new features to the platform, including greatly enhanced diagnostics and groundbreaking support for multi-gateway enterprise-level systems, as well as a bevy of smaller improvements.
The other sessions emphasized what we system integrators already know- Ignition is a platform not just a SCADA. It is a communications hub for the new information economy. It is impressive and gets more so with each release.
Inductive Automation's offices are located in the Palladio complex in Folsom- a beautiful, high end shopping complex complete with restaurants and a variety of stores. Not a bad place to be for a lunch break! Dinner was "Farm to Fork"- foods sourced from the surrounding counties- and was held outside in a fountain courtyard in the shopping complex. It was very nicely done and proved to be a successful networking event. Check out the pictures.
Tomorrow's agenda includes a session about the future direction of Ignition- what to expect for next year's version 8.0.